i mean , he and i were practically the same age . だってあたしとほとんど同じ年でしょ。
he's saying practically the same thing he did last time . ≪前回言ってる内容と ほとんど変わらない
she used practically the same words as cawley and the nurse . コーリーと看護師が言ったことと まったく同じ言葉を使ってました
fuko and tomokuyu are different names , but are practically the same thing . 封戸と湯沐は呼び方の違いであり、実質は同じである。
incidentally , it was only this shirakawa-hakuo family that fell under kazan genji (the minamoto clan of emperor kazan ' s descendants ), so the shirakawa-hakuo family and kazan genji were practically the same . なお、花山天皇の子孫の源氏である花山源氏(かざんげんじ)に該当するのは、この白川伯王家のみであるため、両者は事実上同一のものである。
the following points were changed: the denomination of limited express was changed to commuter limited express , rapid express to rapid limited express , express to rapid express and rapid to express , respectively; express was made to stop at minami-ibaraki station; limited express would have more stops than rapid limited express but fewer stops than rapid express; each type of higher-category train would have nearly twice as many stops as before; limited express became practically the same grade as the former express (this characteristic became more clear when awaji station was designated as an additional stop in 2007 ). 特急を通勤特急に、快速急行を快速特急に、急行を快速急行に、快速を急行に改称の上で南茨木にも停車させ、特急は停車駅を快速特急よりも多く快速急行よりも少なくして、各優等列車の停車駅を従来のほぼ2倍にし、特急を事実上それまでの急行と同等の列車にした(この点については2007年の淡路駅の追加停車でその様相がさらに色濃くなった)。